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What is radon?

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally when the uranium in soil and rock breaks down. It is invisible, odourless and tasteless. When radon is released from the ground into the outdoor air, it is diluted and is not a concern. However, in enclosed spaces like homes, it can accumulate to high levels. High radon levels can be a risk to the health of you and your family.

Is Radon Harmful?

Yes. Radon is known to cause cancer in humans. It is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. When radon is inhaled into the lungs, it decays into radioactive particles that emit small bursts of energy. This energy is absorbed by nearby lung tissue, causing damage to lung cells. When cells are damaged, they can lead to cancer. Babies & young kids are the most at risk because they breathe 2-3 times faster than adults.

How do I know if I have radon in my home?

Every home in Canada has some level of radon; the question is how much. Radon levels can vary widely from one home to another, even on the same street.The only way to find out is to test for radon. The ideal time to test for radon is between September and May. A long-term (3-month) radon test is the most accurate way to find out if you have a dangerous level. Short-term tests are also available, and may be helpful for certain situations, such as real estate transactions. The results of any short-term measurement should be confirmed with a follow-up long-term measurement, at the same location within the home, to inform decisions about mitigation.


How do I test for radon in my home?

Testing for radon is simple. Enspeco offers two options for testing.

Option 1: To know the concentration of radon in your home without having a member of the Enspeco team visit your home, we suggest the AccuStar Alpha-Track AT-100 test kit.

Option 2: Our radon specialists use a E-PERM testing kit, which is about the size of a cell phone, and install it in the lowest level of your home, away from any airflow. Then, the specialist comes back to pick up the kit, interprets the results and provides you with a report showing the amount of radon in your home, measured in Becquerels (Bq) and the action you should take, if any. With a short-term test you should expect results in 5 to 10 days, whereas long-term tests are installed for 90 days or more.

Radon mitigation system (600 x 400 px)

What happens if I have radon in my home?

Canadian guidelines suggest that actions should be taken to reduce the radon concentration following a long-term test for any level above 200 Bq/m3. If your test results show radon levels over this amount, you should install a radon mitigation system. A radon mitigation system can be installed within the timeframe of one work day and involves installing a pipe through the concrete floor in the basement and installing a fan. The fan draws radon from the ground and expels it through a pipe vented to the outside of your house.


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Associations Related to Radon

Breathe the lung association

The Lungs Matter: Home Radon Mitigation Grant Program.

Financial support for home radon mitigation

Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in Canada…it can also be found in almost all homes in Canada. The only way to know if there is radon in your house is to test for it. Find out if you are eligible to this program.

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Evict radon

Evic Radon is a national study and organization founded by Canadian scientists using an interdisciplinary approach to understand and prevent Canadian radon exposure. Learn more about the Radon-Exposure-Calculator

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poumon quebec

For the past fifteen years, the Quebec Lung Association has been collecting radon measurement results from tens of thousands of Quebecers.

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Canadian Cancer Society Société canadienne du cancer

The Canadian Cancer Society recommends that Canadians test their homes for radon and take action to reduce high levels.

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Health Canada Santé Canada

Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Exposure to high levels of radon in indoor air results in an increased risk of developing lung cancer. The risk of cancer depends on the level of radon and how long a person is exposed to those levels.

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Gouvernement du Québec

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking. It is also the leading cause of cancer in non-smokers. In Québec, 10 to 16% of lung cancer deaths are attributed to radon. This represents over 1000 deaths each year.

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Access the summary version of the scientific report “Radon in Quebec – evaluation of the health risk and critical analysis of intervention strategies”.

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Take Action on Radon

Take Action on Radon is a national initiative, funded by Health Canada, to bring together radon stakeholders and raise awareness on radon across Canada.

Learn more

Contact information

CP 32496 Centre Vaudreuil, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC. J7V 9V2

T : +1 (514) 945-SPEC (7732)

C :

Get in touch with our certified radon specialists.

    F A Q

    How do I measure radon in my home?

    There are two ways to measure the radon level in a home: get a do-it-yourself radon test kit or hire a radon professional.

    Is there a lot of radon in my area?

    Radon concentrations can vary greatly from house to house, even if they are nearby. A house located in a very high risk area could have a very low rate while another, for example located in an area where only one in 200 houses have high rates, could have a dangerously high rate. The only way to know if there is radon in your home is to measure it.

    What is the approximate cost of a radon mitigation system?

    The cost of a radon mitigation system depends on the size and design of the house, as well as the work required. Typically, the average cost is between $2,000 and $3,000.

    What warranty (s) do you offer?

    Experts-Radon guarantees that its mitigation measures/system will reduce the radon concentration to less than 100bq/m3.

    How long does it take to install a radon abatement system?

    Generally, the installation of a radon mitigation system is completed in one day.

    What steps can I personally take to reduce radon in my home?

    Radon can enter through all the smallest openings, including cracks in the basement floor or holes such as plumbing, floor drain or sump pump. So seal all openings, joints and cracks.

    Enspeco brings together engineers and building inspectors as well as specialized professionals.

    Contact details

    Address: CP 32496 Center Vaudreuil, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC. J7V 9V2

    Telephone: (514) 945-SPEC (7732)

    Copyright © 2021 Enspeco – Expert consultants in building inspection

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